Joshua Research Paper

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The name of this book in Hebrew, Greek, and English comes from the principal character in it rather than from the writer. Joshua may or may not have been the writer of this book. The title is appropriate because Joshua means Yahweh saves. Joshua is the Hebrew name that translates into Aramaic as Jesus. What Jesus is to God's people in a larger sense, Joshua was to the Israelites in a smaller sense. Joshua brought God's people into the realization of many of God's plans and purposes for them. This book is a record of God's deliverance of the Israelites into what He had promised them. In the English Bible, Joshua is one of the historical books (Genesis through Esther). In the Hebrew Bible, it is in the second of the three main divisions of the …show more content…

In the Prophets section of the Old Testament, God revealed Himself through historical events as well as through the oracles of individual prophets. The book of Joshua, like all other books of the Bible, is primarily a book of theology. Through it God has revealed himself and continues to do so.

The book of Joshua evidently came into being several years after the events recorded in the book took place. A number of statements point to a time of composition beyond the conquest and perhaps beyond the lifetime of Joshua.

According to Jewish tradition Joshua himself wrote the book. Many modern conservative
Old Testament scholars believe that he did. However, other good conservative scholars believe the writer was not Joshua but a contemporary of his, possibly one of the elders of Israel. Many more scholars are unsure. I prefer the traditional view that Joshua wrote the book because I find the arguments of those who believe the writer could not have been Joshua unconvincing. As with several other Old Testament historical books, there is evidence in Joshua that some later editor probably added a few statements and, in some cases, updated a few names, under the inspiration of the Holy