Journal Entry For College Students

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In the first 3 chapters I have learned great skills to make me more successfully I have learned on how to get on course to be successful, accepting personal responsibility and being self-motivated. In this paper I would be addressing the new skills on what I have learn throughout the chapter. The journal entry has been very important to me it have help me find my strength and weakness about me as a student, for example chapter 1 help me gain knowledge on what I do well as student and what I need to improve on. For example, one of my best strength is discovering self- motivation while one of my weakness is mastering self-management in chapter 2 the main point was accepting personal responsibility on my life. and with chapter 3 it was showing me ways to how to be self-motivated in with journal 10 the main point was to show me how visualized my goals that I have set in my life. While completing the exercises I observed a lot about myself which was I am very self- motivated and I take reasonability of my own …show more content…

What I have also observe after completing my journals is that it no reason why I shouldn’t graduate from college because I already use the skills that is in the book. With me in college I being thinking I couldn’t have no fun because it’s strictly business, the insight I have a learned is that you should you enjoyed your college experiences because it can create to more motivation to academics. “if you’re enjoying the journey called college you’re much more likely to persist until you reach your destination called graduation (78)” “ on course”.. this quote helps me a lot by letting me know I can still have fun and achieve my goal on graduate with a degree while still enjoying myself. After doing all the journals my biggest strength that I have found out was being able being respond able for my