Judicial Diversity Report

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This coursework will be discussing and comparing, the Report of the Advisory Panel on Judicial Diversity 2010, making reference to the role of the judiciary, their selection and training. The report argues about the diverse judiciary, how there is a strong case and a debate of how there should be an equality of opportunity for those who are suitable to apply.
The judiciary is the part of government who is accountable for the settlement of law, they examine lots of dissimilar cases where people are accused of breaking the law and making judgement on whether they have broken it or not. The role of the Judiciary also gives them the power to apply the law and interpret it as it stands. The Judges will have no bias for either sides of the case. It is important that judges are independent and neutral so they can defend the civil freedom from the executive and legislature powers. This can be achieved in the UK by a combination of statute, common law, the parliamentary rules, conventions, judicial and government restraint. The role of the Judiciary is to control the conduct of a trail, sole arbiter of legal issues, civil cases adopt the result, criminal cases sum up to the Jury and pass …show more content…

Some people believe that judiciary is not for them because of some misconceptions; like the you need to be part of the club, isolation from the under-represented groups, the circuit system and the High court which is currently a fundamental part of the organisation of the courts, flexible working. Judicial terms and conditions reflect the needs of a modern diverse judiciary. The return to practice where it talks about having no change to the current policy. The judicial conduct and discipline can be found in the Judicial Conduct