Julian Rotter Research Paper

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Miriam DelToro 40 Studies that Changed Psychology: Are You the Master of Your Fate? A behaviorist in psychology, named Julian Rotter was interested in where us humans place the responsibility of our choices outcomes whether it be good or bad. According, to Rotter there are two types of locus inner and external. The difference between the two is that if you believe that something’s outcomes have to do with your own behavior or has to do anything with your personality …show more content…

I didn’t know much about this topic. Therefore, it made it more interesting to me. I have also found out I’m more of external locus control. This I did not know I put my fate a lot in God. For example, whether he wants me to do something or not, such as going somewhere and even what college to attend. Most importantly, I put my whole fate of life in his hands. I would never smoke though or would I gamble since that is considered sinning. So I do not concur with some of the stud Rotter has stated such as people of external locus of control not taking much value of inner accomplishments of goals I do. I take great pride in what I work hard in because this makes me succeed. I know it is up to God for my succeeding or not but it doesn’t stop me from working hard and taking pride on my achievements. Based on my beliefs nothing is given because of fate, or luck, nothing is a coincidence as well it’s in God’s hands. But God gives us free will we make choices and we should take responsibility from them as well. To conclude, in a Rotter I-E test I would be considered a external locus of control person because my beliefs of someone more powerful than anyone which is God is in control. But I do not considered myself of external locus because I do believe I’m the one responsible for the choices I made God has given us free

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