Julius Caesar Campaign Summary

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The people of Rome loIn 49 BC. Julius had finished his campaign for the great Gallic empire and he was excited to be returning home, but when he returned he got quite the surprise… The senate told him that they were afraid that we was being consumed with too much power. They told him he need “to resign the governorship of both Gauls and disband his army.”₁ Caesar found this out on January 10th, at Ravenna, 49BC .In the center of a huge lagoon lies one of the greatest cities in Italy, Ravenna, with its’ houses made on piles of mud and where there are no streets, only canals. It is a beautiful city where the smell of fruit and salt always linger in the air, but there is a “great scarcity of freshwater”₂ in Ravenna. Since there are no roads …show more content…

Town after town opened their town gates to him, and welcomed him in with a sense of pride. After visiting his people for sixty days he finally made it to the capital. After made it to Rome it’s said that he “brought order instead of turmoil to the city.”₃ There was still people who did not like Caesar, like Pompey, Sicily, and other smaller countries around them, but Julius easy defeated all of their armies. Caesar also fought in “Egypt Pontus, Numidia, and Spain”₄ successfully for the next four years. While Caesar was in Rome he “corrected abuses, enriched the public treasury, reformed the calendar,” and tried to unify the Empire.”5 He thought that Rome should be a great capital to a great empire, and gave Spaniards, Gauls and other races citizenship to his great capital. Julius brought in men from Italy and other places to help make the senate larger, he also gave men with no source of income, jobs and made the people no longer pay for their debt with imprisonment. One of the reasons the people of Rome loved caesar for his wonderful character