Julius Caesar Power Corrupt Essay

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How come power corrupts certain leaders? What defines a leader? A leader is someone in command in a group, organization or country. Usually it is just a single person, but there can be multiple people in charge. A group of three leaders is called a Triumvirate, which was mentioned in William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. How could someone become corrupt? The way one becomes corrupted is by abusing the power they are granted with. You become so addicted to having power that you start losing interest in the ones who you onced cared for. The belief that one is above all eventually becomes a form of narcissism and will corrupt you. All things considered, the statement of “All power tends to corrupt; and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is a very true statement. In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, the character of Brutus gets corrupted by the power he gets after joining the conspirators. As Caesar is starting to become the leader of Rome, Cassius starts a secret conspiracy group and recruits Brutus. Brutus is good friends with Caesar but he also thinks that it would be best for the good of Rome if Caesar wasn’t the leader. You really realize how corrupted Brutus is after he kills Caesar and the tragic words “Et tu Brute?” come out. That is just …show more content…

Unfortunately the man himself, Adolf Hitler, took his power to another level and killed an approximated six-million jewish people alongside his Nazi army. Hitler abused his power in the worst way possible, committing mass genocide. After all was done, Hitler then took his own life. “Murdered six million Jews,” and “The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas,” were taken from an article to prove just how much Hitler was corrupted by his power. Circling back, “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” really relates to these

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