
Julius Caesar Research Paper

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The Great Leaders of Rome The Roman Empire was known for being one of the greatest empires of its generation. The Roman Empire was built using strong leadership and that leadership led to advances in technology and combat. One great example of leadership is Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was the leader that carved the path for the future of the Roman Empire. He was one of the most known Roman leaders through the existence of the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar was most known for conquering the land that Rome was built on. “he formed political alliances that helped him become governor of Gaul, an area that included what is now France and Belgium.” (nationalgeographic.org). His rule allowed the main dominance of the Roman Empire during its rule. This …show more content…

Nero was 17 years old when he was appointed as the new emperor of Rome. He started off as being a good leader that cared for others, as soon as others had opinions he turned bitter in rage. “He began executing anyone who dared to disagree with him, even his own mother.” (thecollector.com). Soon the entire civilisation of Rome disagreed with his rule, so Nero decided to set the entire city on fire, burning almost all of Rome to ash. He wanted to show power so much that he created a statue of himself in the center of Rome, this statue was soon named the Colossus of Nero. Vespasian ruled Rome for about 10 years. Vespasian had to pick up after Nero's rule, meaning that he had to build Rome up from ash. After Nero's rule, Rome decided that power should be split among a few people. “during the 12-month span following Nero’s death, the empire had four different rulers”(history.com). Soon Vespasianus was nominated to be the next ruler of Rome. During his rule, he reformed the financial system and he also started to help rebuild the city. His success was also passed down to his family. “That father-son handoff would lay the groundwork for the Flavian

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