Augustus: Evaluation Of Augustus As A Leader

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Evaluation of Augustus As a Leader
Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, was one of the most prominent figures in the history of Rome. He emerged as a powerful and strategic leader, who played a key role in transforming the Roman Republic into a monarchy. Augustus' leadership was marked by his ability to maintain stability and consolidate power within the government, which proved essential to the prosperity of the empire. His rule had a significant impact on Rome's social, political, and economic development, ultimately transforming it into one of the most powerful empires in history.
Augustus was a visionary leader who had an extraordinary ability to consolidate power with minimal conflict. He implemented several reforms that helped strengthen the Roman state, including establishing a standing army, reorganizing the administrative structure, and reforming taxation. His policies created a more …show more content…

“He said that he wanted the senate to enjoy the finest portion of the empire, while he himself had the hardships and dangers; but his real purpose was that by this arrangement, the senators would be unarmed and unprepared for battle, while he alone had arms and maintained soldiers.” For some deeper context, Augustus had tricked the senate into thinking that Augustus wanted them to be free of worry and unarm themselves, while he was actually the one being protected and leaving them unprepared. This definitely could change views on augustus, leaving the impression that he was a deceiver and dishonest. Another key element in this sense, is displayed in the textbook: “Augustus' aggressive foreign policy caused the colonization and oppression of many provinces. His aim of Romanisation eradicated many rich cultures and instilled rulers who were oppressive and cruel.” This means that he made unfair and somewhat arbitrary policies that would establish bad rulers onto