Junior Representative Training Analysis

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PART A: Principles of Training & Performance. (12 Marks)
Question 1:
Analyse how the principles of training can be applied to the training of a junior representative (16-18 yrs old) Rugby League player.

Progressive overload principle involves gradually increasing the athlete 's training load so that improvement can occur.For a junior representative rugby league player , progressive overload can increase gains in regards to strength training .The resistance , set and repetitions can be increased or the rest time can be decreased.If resistance is too high , fatigue ,injury and loss of motivation can occur for the player , if the resistance is too low no improvements or adaptations will be made.Once the player is at a comfortable level of training …show more content…

This is referred to as the d-train effect.The reversibility process applies to aerobic, strength and flexibility training programs.For a junior representative to maintain improvement and ensure the reversibility principle does not take place they should ensure each muscle group and training method is trained every week.To actively particpate in training to maintain the benefits gained in training.

You must be actively participating in the training program to maintain the training benefits. In the case of cardiorespiratory endurance, you can avoid reversing the effects of training only by continuing regular training at 70 per cent MHR (maximal heart rate) and on at least three occasions per week. Runners who are unable to continue normal training due to injury may substitute activities such as swimming or …show more content…

A skill is something a person must learn.By understanding how skills are learnt atheletes can improve their performance and develop from a beginner to a skilled performer.Skills are defined by three stages , cognitive , associative and autonomous an athlete will pass through all three when learning a new skill.

The first stage of skill acquisition is the cognitive stage also called the understanding stage where the learner is a beginner.It is refered to as the cognitive stage as it contains much thought and foucs on what needs to be done to excute the skill.Trial and error will play a large role in this peformance of excucuting a conversion kick. The learner will benefit from coach feedback as simple as possible as it is an information overload at this time and will be more beneficial for the learner to have it simplified and reference to sport to help them understand the action.For the learner to successfully achieve a conversion kick , in this stage they will learn about aim and direction when kicking.This will help in completing the conversion kick.They will learn how to place the ball and how to use momentum and power to drive the leg through to kick the