Just Desert Short Story

503 Words3 Pages

Just Desert

One day there was a lady and her name was Lucy. She is a young lady who lives by herself with her pet dog named Bob. Lucy decided to go to the store to buy a pumpkin for Halloween. She took it home. She put it on the tabletop. She got a knife and put it on the table. She lowered the knife and the pumpkin grow even bigger.
She called the cops and the cops got there in 10 minutes. They saw the punkin and they said that's nothing. One cop said, “Oh, that must be fake!” They went to cut it but it grow. The cops took it outside that because it was the day of halloween. The kids wanted to kick it but it grow. The pumpkin was to big and it started rolling down the hill. One neighbor said, “what is that thing rowling down …show more content…

They cut it in small pieces and they put them in the oven and made pumpkin pie. The glow disappeared after it was cooked. They made a lot of pumpkin pie. They sold them in a stand in the town, Huntley. Everybody bought it and they tuke it home to eat it. Some people gave some to their dogs cats and even their family.
The cops had a lot of money they raised from selling the pumpkin pie. They used some of the money to get equipment for their job. They donated some for cancer. They still had the other half of the ponkin. They gave some of the pumpkin to the lady that had grown the punkin. She loved it! She said to the cops, “thanks for giving me some!” The cops then gave some to the poor people. So they can eat some. They loved it and they asked for more.
The cops took some to their friends and they loved it. They had a little bit and they keep it and saved it. They did not use it all. They still have some left so they had a party. They drink milk all night and they were happy it had something in it. The glow had come back a little and it made them happy! Then the next day they were jumping everywhere. They went walking and saw little kids and babies and screamed and cried. The babies were getting annoying by crying and screaming. Tthe cops left from where the babies were crying. They went to the other corner the where the people were jumping. The cops went to Llusis house to see how she was doing.She offered them some tea they said