Just Mercy (2019) is a powerful and thought-provoking movie directed by Destin Daniel Cretton. The movie is set in Monroeville, Alabama in the late 80s/early 90s, and is based on the memoir of Bryan Stevenson, an African American lawyer who founded the Equal Justice Initiative, “a nonprofit organization that provides legal representation to prisoners who have been wrongfully convicted or unfairly sentenced” as stated by the WealthChoice article Meet the Equal Justice Initiative. The movie follows Stevenson's journey as he seeks to defend Walter McMillian, a wrongfully convicted death row inmate in the state of Alabama. Another key figure in this movie is Eva Ansley, a white woman who co-founded the Equal Justice Initiative with Bryan Stevenson. …show more content…
One of the most important people in the movie, though, is Ralph Myers, a white man who was coerced into testifying against McMillian in exchange for a reduced prison sentence. Myers is a drug addict who is easily manipulated by the police, and though his testimony is ultimately proven to be false, the life of McMillian quite literally rests on his weak shoulders. As Stevenson fights to clear his client’s name, he faces many obstacles, including biased judges, hostile prosecutors, and a culture of racism and bias within the police department. Despite these challenges, Stevenson remains committed to seeking justice for McMillian and other wrongly convicted prisoners. Through their struggles and triumphs, the movie shines a light on the ongoing struggle for justice and the importance of fighting for social justice and …show more content…
One example of symbolic interactionism in the movie is the relationship between the main character, Bryan Stevenson, and his clients. Throughout the film, Stevenson forms deep connections with his clients, listening to their stories and understanding the symbolic meanings behind their experiences. Through this interaction, Stevenson provides meaningful legal representation, grounded in a deep understanding of his clients' lives and experiences. Another example of symbolic interactionism in the movie is how language is used to construct meaning. The characters in the movie use language in powerful ways, creating symbolic meanings that help them to understand and interpret their experiences. For example, when Stevenson visits McMillian in prison, he encourages him to "keep fighting," using language to create a symbolic meaning of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, the movie portrays the importance of personal relationships in creating meaningful change. Stevenson's relationship with Eva Ansley, his colleague and friend, is a powerful example of how personal connections can be used to create social change. With each other’s partnership, they build a network of support for their clients and work