Mercy And Pcsha Essay

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Mercy and PCHAS exists as ministries of the Lord Jesus. Every day we live out the words of James 1:27, which states, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” We are called to hold, help and heal the hurting. Many years ago, Mercy and PCAHS accepted the call to the mission field of healing. Since that time, our organizations have been steadfast in our commitment to serve and save “whosoever”.
When people are hurting, asking for help can be hard, and the uncertainties of health care can be very frightening. Mercy and PCHAS understand that our missions are to serve. However, it goes much further than just serving. Our services reflect the exemplary work of Jesus Christ. We serve with compassion, care and with an unresolved dedication to excellence.
The Raleigh House Transitional Living Program aligns with Mercy’s mission, vision and strategic initiatives. At Raleigh House, the staff offers compassionate service to young women who have …show more content…

Our staff strives for excellence in everything they do. The Ashley House staff provides quality care that is appropriate, client-centered and goal-oriented. We focus on how we do, what we do, which means we serve with our minds on improving the lives of the hurting. Our team of professionals offer direct access to care that is coupled with seamless delivery. This means that we collaborate with each young woman, allowing her to be a major voice in her own care plan. At Ashley House, our staff respects each young woman’s preferences, as we help and guide the young adults to select services that match their goals, needs and interests. The goals are measurable and obtainable. This unique delivery of services increases each young woman’s success on her path to healing and stability. We provide a healing touch that helps transform the live of these young