Catholic Charities Mission Statement

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Catholic Charities of St.Paul and Minneapolis Mission statement .the mission of Catholic Charities is to serve those most in need .We help individuals and families to reach their full potential as we call for justice in the community. Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Mineapolis is a non-profit Catholic charity organization that help and serve those in most need and they are leaders in solving poverty by giving arms to those who deserve it ,especially those who live in poor countries ,and they are good at creating opportunity where there is no opportunity and people are hopeless ,they act as an advocate for justice in the community, they help individual and group in times of need for justice and they believe it’s a duty for them to stand …show more content…

Respect the Human Person: in a simple words respect Human beings. 2. Promote the Family: the human beings is not simply a person but it’s rather a family and made of community so you should value your …show more content…

Work for the Common Good: do what you do for the benefit of the community at large and not for oneself benefit. 5. Observe the Principles of Subsidiarity: you should protect and uphold the principles of subsidiarity right. 6. Respect Work and the Worker: protect your work and your worker by doing the right things that is needed of you. 7. Pursue Peace and Care for the Poor : keep and be in peace with others and care for the poor who need your help Catholic charities Core Values Catholic Charities values inspire the work they do for and with those most in need, and their core values are: Collaboration: they work to build effective working relationship within the Catholic Charities and strong partnership within community. Empowerment: the foster an environment where all are supported in reaching their full Human potential. Compassion: they demonstrate compassion and care for those who must in need. Dignity: they work to respect the inherent dignity of every person, for they believe that all Human beings are made in God’s image. Justice: they work for justice for society and within Catholic Charities. Diversity: they welcome difference of race, background, faith and thought, they are especially committed to naming and combating institutional