
Just Walk On By David Brooks Summary

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The perception that all black man are associated with crimes, is a big problem. In the article " People Like Us " by David Brooks he shows that diversity can be a effect from the cause , that black men are often associated with crimes. In the article " Just Walk On By" by Brent Stales, he also shows some effect to his life due to the cause that black man are associated with crimes. Where ever you go , most people associate black man with crime. People are so narrow minded and don’t learn about other cultures or even people in general they end up judging others. Brook says " it is appalling that Americans know so little about one another. It is appalling that many of us are so narrow-minded ." (Brooks,361) Because Americans don’t know anything about a black man or their cultural they tend to judge them, and say they are criminals. This leads to all blacks living in a community and not being diverse. For example; a black man can be a doctor , but would still get accused of being a criminal or looked at as a criminal . This makes them want to surround themself with other blacks , instead of living in a neighborhood with white doctors, Asian lawyers, and white judges. This makes the community less diverse. …show more content…

Staples says in his article " one day, rushing into the office of a magazine I was writing for with a deadline story in hand, I was mistaken for a burglar. The office manager called security and, with an ad hoc posse, perused me through the labyrinthine halls, nearly to my editor's door."( Staples 262). Staples was a black man , who worked as journalist in a white firm and was mistaken for a burglar, even though there was no evidence of him stealing anything or doing any criminal acts. He was judge by his skin tone and what others thought of blacks. People have this image of black man being criminals this makes them over see their

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