Racial Profiling Should Be Allowed

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Racial profiling is a positive thing. Racial profiling is a practice used by law enforcement officials to target individuals and groups of people who are suspicious of crimes based on their ethnicity. Racial profiling should be allowed for the police to use because it is easier for them to track down criminals, to prevent crimes from happening and to create a safer place.

Racial profiling should be allowed for the police to use because it is easier to prevent crimes from happening. Judging someone based on the way they look is never good but in this case it is because a suspicious looking black man could be taken in by the police for questioning on gang violence and that would help prevent some crimes. “Consider this example in light of the September 11 attacks. All nineteen hijackers were …show more content…

Racial profiling suspicious people of specific ethnicities will create a safer place because if the police were to arrest these people then the crime rates will drop, creating a safer place. "Modifying airport profiling procedures to include scrutiny of race, gender, and age has the potential to impact fundamental consultation rights" (MacDonald). If the police were to use racial profiling as a major part to justify if a person was guilty of a crime, that would create a safer environment. Racial profiling should be allowed for the police to use because it is easier for them to track down criminals. If a criminals was on the run and they were of a specific ethnicity then it would help the police to use racial profiling on all people of that ethnicity. Using racial profiling to track down criminals is very helpful because it narrows down the search for criminals and it would take less time. "… police regard profiling as part of their work…" (Chan). By using racial profiling to track down criminals it would improve the system that the police use for tracking down