Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

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Murder is among one of the most serious of crimes and should have one of the most serious punishments respectively. Sometimes though young adolescents do commit murder and it is a controversial topic whether or not they should be tried as an adult and get the punishment an adult would. The punishment that an adult would receive could be a life sentence or even the death penalty. Both of these punishments have been deemed as a violation against their eighth amendment according the supreme court on June 25, 2015; however, some justices believe that the juveniles should still have the possibility to be charged with life sentence. I believe that each case needs to be treated differently have all variables looked at. There are arguments to both sides of how the juveniles should be punished and whether or not the court ruling should be retroactive. Every decision that a person makes has an equal consequence. I believe that everyone should be punished fairly, whether it be a life sentence of just a few years in prison. I agree with Justice Alito in that if someone commits a serious crime they should not be able to just use their age to get out of being punished. I also believe that each case is unique and every factor …show more content…

Some crimes are so cruel and have to be thought out like murder or rape and if a juvenile does one they should be tried as an adult, “It really doesn’t matter the age of the criminal, it they are committing crimes that are inherently adult in nature, then yes, these criminals absolutely should be punished as an adult regardless of their age”. If they can think out the action of committing the crime then they need to be held responsible accordingly. There are also those who disagree and say that young adolescents should not be charged as