Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults Essay

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The rational part of the human brain is not fully developed until the mid-twenties, so why are adolescents being charged as adults in the court of law? In America, there has been an ongoing controversy between supporters of trying juveniles as adults, and supporters of juveniles being charged as minors. Citizens under the age of 18 should not be tried as adults because their brains are not fully developed to think rationally. The brain is not completely developed until the mid-twenties, adolescents are still immature. When teenagers are charged for crimes as an adult it is not just because they are not mentally mature. “Children are different than adults” said legal director, Rita Bettis. Children do not have the skills necessary to make rational decisions, unlike adults whose brains are fully developed. If …show more content…

Juveniles can benefit from rehabilitation programs and therapy, juveniles should be given the help they deserve, rather than being put into a jail cell. Currently, “parole decisions may be based on factors unrelated to a consideration of maturity and rehabilitation” (Des Moines Register). The possibility of rehabilitation is very important in the decision of parole for juveniles. Juveniles need to be given the resources they need to be successful in society. Juvenile offenders are young and have the possibility to change and develop into mature adults with the help of therapy and rehabilitation programs. Children can be easily manipulated and are easily swayed. Justice Kennedy said, juveniles are “immature, susceptible to peer pressure and capable of change”. America needs to help the youth change and grow, not lock them up and do not provide the help they need. Juveniles are capable of change and should be given the help they need. The youth should not be tried as adults because they need help, not put into correctional