Kaden: A Fictional Narrative

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"You don't have to do this, I always lock myself up! Every full moon."

How pathetic. How disgustingly pathetic. It was trying to argue for it's life. If it could even call whatever horribly crude existence it led a life.

"Please, I'm engaged, I'm getting married in the fall. I have a family. They'll miss me. I lock myself up every full moon! I never get out, please!"

Kaden didn't say anything. Why should he deign himself by making a deal with a beast? He was, however, amused by the fact that it thought he'd care that it had a family. He didn't want it's pups out in the world. This made it an even more convenient time to kill. He had his back turned to it, as he looked at the table, which contents he'd knocked on the floor. On the table …show more content…

Elizabeth. She was glorious, a bowie knife. One of the first his parents had gotten him, back when he was a young lad. She was getting on in age, but her silver blade still glistened, despite the number of times it'd been drenched in blood. He took great care of her. He turned to face it. It was still sobbing, pleading for it's 'life.' He smiled at her. It was, in all effect, a warm and charming smile. If he'd smiled in any other situation it might have reassured someone. Might have made them think 'it'll be okay now.' That, of course, was not at all what it meant. It meant he was about to have fun.

It was saying something. "Shhh." He was next to it now, looking down at it. It was tied to a chair in silver chains. It'd woken up from a night of being a wolf like it. Kaden had spent the full moon watching it, waiting for it to turn human again, and then he was ready. Really, it was a passive wolf, it really did lock itself up at night. Kaden was aware that some hunters, the weak hunters, would let a wolf like this survive. They'd say "Oh she's not hurting anyone, she's fine." But Kaden knew better. Werewolves could not be allowed to live. At any …show more content…

With a sudden burst of energy he dragged the blade across the front of her neck, and watched as blood spill down her front. Of course it wasn't dead yet. It's body convulsed as blood gushed forth. He grabbed it's long blonde main, getting a good grip on the still human head as he used his super strength to what was left from the body. The beast was dead. He threw the head to the ground and watched as it morphed into that of a wolf's. He bent forward, opening up the jowls and ripped a tooth from it's gums. Today was going to be a good day, he thought to himself, as he packed up his tools, washed off his blood stained hands and left the