Kalam Cosmological Argument Analysis

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Born in 1949, the Christian philosopher and theologian, William Craig is most known for his defense of the Kalam cosmological argument. The Kalam cosmological argument is rooted in Islamic theologians of the Ilm al-Kalam tradition. The Ilm al-Kalam also known as Islamic natural theology attempts to justify the belief in God by constructing arguments for God’s existence. The main specificity of the Kalam is that it relies on the premise that the universe began to exist. Craig’s main argument is against the possibility of existence of actual infinities he believes there is always a cause of existence. Craig defends the Kalam by using two arguments. Argument one is as follows: Whatever begins to exist has a cause of existence; the universe began to exist; therefore: the universe has a cause. Argument two addresses the cause of existence more specifically and is as follows: Whatever begins to exist has a cause, the universe has a cause; if the universe has a cause, then an uncaused, personal creator of the universe exists. The whole universe is caused …show more content…

Everyone has different opinions on politics, religion, science, and almost everything else, so people will also have opinions about the world and universe, which has been created 14 billion years ago. I am on this planet now and worry about the present. The past I cannot change, and the future I cannot predict. The discussion of what caused the existence of the universe is an interesting topic, but does not affect me now, and does not change who I am or my existence. Yes, everything has a cause of existence, but I do not believe it is necessary for me to know every cause of existence. While Craig’s argument is strong and convincing, I cannot say for sure if his argument is true, and would not panic if his argument is proved wrong. The world still exists, and we exist on