Kalra And Dinesh Bhugra's Diverse Faces Of Domestic Violence?

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The struggle for women in society is terribly prevalent. Looking at past and recent events, violence against women, especially domestic violence is an unfortunate common occurrence. The journals, “Sexual Violence Against Women: Understanding Cross-cultural Intersections” written by Gurvinder Kalra and Dinesh Bhugra and “Diverse Faces of Domestic Violence” written by Tanya R. Anderson and Ann M. Aviles, emphasizes in detail the growing issue of violence against women. These journals underline the fact that women have been affected by the deeply flawed social structure; which has everything to do with race, class, and gender. Women have faced and still face extreme prejudices, many being violent, as society places men and women in an unequal light. The feminist perspective states that gender contributes to social inequality. This connects with the patriarchy, which describes a society where men dominate women in all spectrums, such as work and relationships. In relationships with a patriarchal foundation, women are taken advantage of and often physically and emotionally abused. Abuse and violence often being used to ensure power when Kalra and Dinesh (2013) illustrate, “Violence involves elements of control, …show more content…

Being a women, person of color, and lower class, it is impossible to receive equal and fair rights. People of color especially those in a lower class society don’t receive proper attention and care when Anderson and Aviles illustrate, “most of the legislation that addresses domestic violence issues, focus on white, middle-class women.” (p. 131). Women living in a lower income household were five times more likely to face abusive in a relationship than one in a higher income household. In many cases women are unwilling to speak up because they are afraid of economic instability; the man could have been the breadwinner in the house or can’t afford to take proper legal