Bell Hook Feminist Analysis

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In this article, Bell Hooks starts off by stating many different definitions of Feminism from the past to the present. Hook’s says the lack of a definition holds the feminist movement back. This leads to Hooks explaining what Feminism is to her and what it should be to women. Hooks believes that feminism is a movement that should be aimed at ending sexist oppression (p.26). Her ideology says that this movement should not want to just focus on creating a feminist society, but to promote the self-development of women themselves (p.26). Hooks wants women to develop a comprehensive understanding of women’s political reality and realize that men are not the enemy. She wants to individualize the feminist movement, so that every woman knows what the goal of being a true feminist is; ending sexist oppression (p.29). In her eyes, this movement should benefit all woman (p.28). In other words, she thinks that feminism should not be a radical revolution, but a belief that every woman carries and fights for. That’s why she says “I advocate feminism” is a better slogan than “I am a feminist” (p.31).
Hook’s vision of feminism differs from the liberal feminist for a multitude of different reasons. First off, Hook wants …show more content…

Feminist talk about abuse of women in the wrong light. They say it is action of privileged men instead of a horrible action that is oppressive. This causes men to believe that abuse of women is something that is alright without realizing the damage they do to women and themselves. The sexist ideology can also isolate men that want to help (p.81). This is because of the ridicule they will face from males and females in conjunction. This makes it hard for men who want to help to take the next step. Hooks believes that this ideology must be extinguished, so men and women can work together to create a world without sexual oppression