Karl Lagerfeld Research Paper

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“Karl Lagerfeld, A chameleon among fashion Designers”
Fashion design is an art form committed to the making of clothing and accessories by paying attention to body and form. By using time consuming and hand executed techniques on expensive materials and fabrics, while having an extraordinary attention to detail it isn’t a surprise that Haute Couture is looked at as the most exclusive apparel to wear in fashion design. Fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld, is thought to be the designer who have improved and perfected the essence of haute couture whilst having a successful career in other parts of the fashion industry. By being directly involved in the process of creating his clothing collections, from design and photography, to marketing and advertising, Karl …show more content…

That Chanel has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging the supremacy of Saint Laurent, seems inescapable…”
Coco Chanel’s influence on Karl Lagerfeld is undeniable, as he explores classic Chanel styles by examining Coco Chanel’s image, style and personal life and incorporating it in his collections. The architectural and graphic qualities are also prevalent in his design no matter what brand he designs for. The founder, Coco Chanel, once stated that, “fashion passes, style remains (Lovinski, 2010)”, and this quote has somewhat become Lagerfeld’s philosophy through out the years as chief designer at Chanel. Karl Lagerfeld has in an innovative way gained a lot of attention by incorporating inspiration from different aspects of pop culture, like hip hop, street culture and other current trends, which have helped revitalize the Chanel

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