
Karl Marx Research Paper

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Karl Marx Karl Marx was a philosopher that came after the Industrial Revolution began across Europe. He saw the division of human beings under the new ideology called capitalism. Marx is famous for critiquing capitalism and began to create a more “humane” system that destroys such division and separation from the human nature. The humane aspect is that labor and “species-being” makes us human. To understand Marx’s theory of human nature, one has to know the concept of “species-being”, or Gattungswesen. The meaning is that humans can only exist in a social or communal situation with others of its type. (Wartenberg, 79) He talks about the humans can only exist within a community and that’s where communism is based around. Within that community, …show more content…

Humans are productive and creative beings that get satisfaction from exercising our powers of overcoming obstacles. (Wartenberg, 81) By being productive creatures, Marx talks about it in a materialistic view of the world. Humans like to create materials that they feel accomplished by working on it and not being forced in the first place. By working creates a closer relationship to nature because it’s seen that humans are part of nature in the first place. The difference between labor done by animals and humans is quite simple; moreover, animals are motivated by immediate needs or “instinctive”. While humans can re-unite with nature in way that it makes the relation even stronger through labor. During human development, we use the environment around humans and adjust the environment in the eyes of humans. (Sayers, 612) In reality, humans aren’t connected with nature the day they are brought into the world because the environment feels foreign to humans. Both Hegel and Marx reject the idea that humans are part with nature the instance we are born. Instead, Hegel and Marx explain that humans become part with nature, or home, is if the setting is from a result from human activity and work. Marx calls this process “objectification”. He speaks that by objectifying ourselves, gives us the power and abilities toward other outward objects to be considered real because we will recognize them as objects since it was created by us. Which would lead to humans to feel at home because of the work humans put to create the objects in and around their

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