Karl Marx Rights Of Man Analysis

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Article Review of ‘Karl Marx and the Rights of Man’ by Betty Sichel The article was dedicated in elucidating the early perspective of Marx regarding the Rights of Man and the inconsistency of this with his later views. Sichel did not do this to discredit Marx, but as a precaution to readers of Marx. Marx had been known to be a polemical writer and there are various inconsistencies that plagued his works, but this does not mean he is not a good philosopher. When reading Marx one must not blindly quote him and focus only on his earlier works, for the later Marx can probably a lot different from the earlier Marx. According to the article, the earlier Marx viewed rights as having an “implicit hierarchy,” that is to say that there is a genus-specie relationship between rights. The foundational rights of all other rights, according to earlier Marx is the right …show more content…

This right allow men to pursue enjoyment from their fruit of labor. But if so, it entails that man pursue material needs in order to be happy. But this right entails that one have a property to speak of. The criticism of Sichel here is that the definition of property changes along with the time. We must remember that Marx also ascribe to the concept of man living in a spacio-temporal world that changes. An earlier conception or property is basically just material property, but it had evolve further than that to include also, intellectual property, that is one’s identity, one’s name, and one’s idea. Thus if so, Marx earlier critique of rights of property require one to have a property first to speak of, if not then this right does not apply to that particular person, then this right null and void for that specific person. But this property of right is supposedly a foundational right from which all other right