Occupation Effects On Human Life

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Various examinations and speculations have been done on personality in the greater part of its unpredictability. The main focus has been always on personality qualities, incorporating how individuals respond with their general surroundings. A large number of these attributes influence individuals ' life decisions, including occupation, regardless of whether they know about it or not. On the other side people’s occupations’ effects on their personalities is not thought of as much as the personality’s effects on occupations is thought of. Occupations do have many effects on people 's characters. Throughout this essay, we will be examining the different …show more content…

Maybe one of the best theories to prove this is Karl Marx’s theory on work and alienation. Indeed, according to Karl Marx certain types of work within the capitalist system affect the worker’s behavior and psychology at the same time. For instance, people working in factories become alienated from the produced products due to the tayloristic system followed in factories. Undoubtedly, factory workers as well as office workers tend to only repeat one touch over and over again such as placing a button on a product or copying papers on a computer. Karl Marx himself explained alienation in the domain of work as a fourfold aspect: Man is alienated from the object he produces, from the process of production, from himself, and from the community of his fellows. This theory has also echoed in many artistic trends and works. Maybe, ‘’The Modern Times’’ for Charlie Chaplin is one of the best movies which exposes and explains this idea detailedly. In the first section of Modern Times Chaplin’s overwhelming preoccupation is explained by the nature of the work he is doing and by workers trying to fit into this category of jobs. In a broader sense, it explains how humanity is forced to fit around and within the machines and institutions endemic in modern society, particularly in relation to the idea of the “American Dream” and the “pursuit of happiness”. It also explains …show more content…

We generally think about personality as relatively stable over time. However, personalities are a subject to change over time particularly with encounters that are rehashed, day after day and year after year. The study covered a large group of employees through the span of 3 years while repeatedly measuring their personality and working environment. while repeatedly measuring their personality, and working personality. It has been conjectured that occupation characteristics are related to change in personality in humans yet frequently personality types still exclude impacts of the life experience. employees with more duties, responsibilities —and more control over how they did their job—really turned out to be more proactive through the span of the 3-year examine. Their personalities shifted fundamentally. In the meantime, the employees with less control and less demanding occupations did not demonstrate changes. For these employees conducting change in their personalities being proactive personalities, chances to find more opportunities and set more goals in the work fields become constantly higher than other employees. According to the experts who operated the study ‘’ having the “right job” can give you the “right attitude.” Employees who began off with elevated levels of proactive