Online Environments To Describe My Identity

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A person’s identity is comprised of a set of characteristics of an individual; these can be based on race, gender, or cultural background... As Marwick (2013) describes, identity is “how we think of ourselves, how different facets of our identity are depicted in culture and media and how we present ourselves to others” (Marwick, 2013: p355). Since the rise of computer mediated communication, individuals possess greater access to online occupations. This expansion of computer mediated communication and online environments can reconceptualise the idea of the self, thus identity. Online environments are therefore a way of constructing an identity that can be close to the offline one, or entirely different. The aim of this essay is to examine how …show more content…

However that description is rather simplistic to what I really think I am. Nevertheless, through the use of social media, I can expose this identity of mine in various ways. In order to analyse Goffman’s (1959) argument that we construct and perform different identities or version of ourselves in different social contexts, I will examine my use of social media, being Facebook, Snapchats and Instagram to explain how I construct and manage my identity and how relevant it is to my offline one. Firstly I will explain how I portray my online identity; secondly I will discuss the factors that determines how I express my identity, and finally what implications of these identities are and how close they are to my offline …show more content…

This concept that identity is a “project” is a powerful aspect of online identity. While researching examples for this paper, I remembered what I was using before I registered with Facebook. In France, people were using this site called “Skyblog”, it is simply a blog were individuals could share pictures and descriptions of themselves. Therefore I logged in and looked through what I had posted 7 years ago. I did not recognised myself in how I portrayed my identity at the time and felt relatively embarrassed about what appeared on that blog and therefore deleted it. Self-consciousness is therefore a strong feature in how people construct their identity. When I use Facebook these days, I want to show people an ameliorated version of myself. Senft argues that online environments became a “stage”, and that individuals don’t only occupy a place on that stage but also perform (Senft: 2013: p347). Consequently, it is argued that people manage their online spaces (thus identity) with care and awareness that others will