Popper's Theoretical Analysis

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"Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again." The above quote of Karl Popper himself makes the overall point of his philosophy clear in a single sentence. He claims that we can never prove a theory, we can only fail to falsify it after many attempts, and if we do falsify the theory, we guess a new one. It does arises the following questions. What is a good test? What is a good theory? Can no guess be the final answer? After these questions are answered I will some reactions on it. What is a good test? Popper is an anti-inductivist, but he embraces hypotheticodeductivism and fallibilism. To give you a better understanding of Karl Popper his idea of a good scientific test, I will first describe induction, which Popper thinks …show more content…

Like I said in the beginning we never start with a blank slate. We cannot be fully objective or keep out our expectations. And I agree with Popper we all have expectations. Those expectations are our motivation of doing further research. If we did not have any expectations, why would we do tests to find connections? We have an expectations that such connections exist. We want to find the logic behind it all, because we expect there to be one. Popper never said that there is something wrong being fully committed to an idea about the world you have. You just have to be that it is not necessary right. Moreover, you should try to prove it false by staying critical. Go do the challenge, what can you lose if your idea is actually right? Any other test cannot be made objective, because the human being is not capable of being so. We are go-getting, we want to be successful. That is why we do not give up when our theory is proven false, we will handle the new situation, the new findings we have found, to change our ‘guess’ about the world. For every problem there is a solution and for every solution there is a new (unsolved) problem. That is how we will always keep finding new revelations of the world. We can never know everything and what we know about the world, we only think to know. We know it because nothing has proven differently and this can be changed by one single finding. We always have to be open for …show more content…

A theory could only be falsifiable or non-falsifiable and falsified or non-falsified. There is no scientific reason to prefer a unfalsified tested theory above another untested theory. There does not exist “more likely to be true”, it can only be falsified or non-falsified. A theory that has never been tested at all is just as non-falsified as a theory that has been tested many times. Popper does not allow us to prefer one non-falsified theory above another on scientific ground which causes