Wayne What Is Your Thoughts On The Existence Of God

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Alan: Wayne what is your thoughts on the existence of god?

Wayne: I do not believe that there is a man who has the ability to create a universe therefore I do not believe that god exist

Alan: Why do you think that god could not create the universe or even exist?

Wayne: I have never experience the existence of god nor do I believe that he created the universe. I believe the universe was created by what we all know as the Big Bang. Most individuals believe what they do, because that is how they were raised to believe. Their parents guide them toward the faith in what they believe or what their culture believes and who’s to say they are right on what they are passing on.

Alan: Who’s to say they are wrong. Religious views are not inherited. Although it is possible that believes that are taught to children by their parents may in fact be false, there is no way of knowing without discovering the …show more content…

Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and so on, they all believe in someone who has the power to create them. There is no way to prove that one person could do all these things, only science can show us what really happened.

Alan: So you would only believe in god if you had complete proof or had experience that he exist? You may think that science proves that god was not the creator of the world, but what if years from now more evidence is found that proves god was the one who created the universe.

Wayne: New evidence is found every day in science and it changes what we thought we knew, so I guess it is possible that years from now “more” proof could be found. But if you teach someone from birth that something is the way it is because you said so then obviously when they grow up their going to believe what they were taught. There are always going to be someone else who does not have the same beliefs so how do we know who is