Katopanishad's Poem

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10. I am (The Supreme Spirit- The Consciousness) without arms and legs; I am of unthinkable power; I see without eyes; I hear without ears; I know all; and I am different from all; None can know Me; I am always the intelligence (Consciousness).
11. I (The Brahman, the Consciousness, the Spirit, the Soul) am the revealer of all Vedas and Upanishads. For Me, there is neither merit nor sin. I suffer no destruction; I have no birth or self identity with body and organs.
13. Realizing the Paramaatman that lives in the cavity of the heart, that is without parts and without a second, the witness of all, beyond both existence and non existence- one attains the pure Paramaatman itself.
1. The syllable ‘OM’ is Brahman.
2. The Self is unborn, …show more content…

If one thinks that he can kill one (the Soul), and if the other thinks that He (his Soul) can be killed both of them do not know because neither the Soul can kill or get killed.
4. The Self that is subtler than the subtlest and greater than the greatest is located in the heart of all. One who is free from desire sees the glory of the Self through tranquility of his mind and senses and he gets freed from all sorrows and grief.
5. The Self cannot be attained by the study of Vedas, not by the intellect, not by mere hearing but it can be attained only by the one who seeks to know the Self and the same Self reveals itself.
6. Only the one who refrains from bad conduct, whose senses are restrained and whose mind is peaceful can attain this Self through knowledge.
7. The Self is like the master of the chariot, the body the chariot, the intellect the charioteer, mind the reins, the senses the horses, and the objects in view in the path. But for the one who is devoid of discriminatory intellect and is possessed of uncontrolled mind the senses are like the uncontrollable horses of the charioteer. But the one who has a discriminative intellect and a controlled mind his senses are controllable like the well trained horses, such a one reaches the Supreme …show more content…

The sensory objects are subtler than the senses, and subtler than the sense objects is the mind. However the intellect is subtler than the mind and subtler than the intellect is Mahat or Hiranyagarbha (the Cosmic egg).The unmanifested is subtler than Mahat and subtler than the unmanifested is the Purusha (The Universal Soul or Consciousness) Knowing and realizing this man is liberated.
9. Brahman can be realized only through Pure mind.
10. There (In Paramaatman or Universal Consciousness) the Sun, Moon, stars or lightning do not shine because everything shines because of Him (Brahman) that shines by itself.
11. None can see Him (Brahman) with eyes but He (Brahman) can be realized only by intuition and with a restrained mind through Meditation. Those who know this Truth become immortal.
12. That State is the highest where the five sense organs and mind are at rest and where the intellect is inactive.
13. When all desires and longings in the heart disappear then a mortal man becomes immortal and attains Brahman.
14. The wise having known the Self without body in all bodies, firmly seated in all perishable things, great and all pervading does not