Keurig Green Mountain Business Analysis

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Vermont (Our Company). Keurig Green Mountain provides a number of beverage services, centered on coffee products. They are also known for their Keurig coffee brewing systems, as well as their K-Cup technology, which is unique to the Keurig coffee brewing system. Keurig Green mountain has grown from a small café centered business, to a multi-billion dollar coffee producer, and one of the most well-known coffee producers in the country. Currently, the majority of the company's sales come from their K-Cups and Keurig brewing technology. However, this has not always been the case, as the company used to produce traditional coffee, and still does, to a smaller extent. Corporate Social Responsibility Overview Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) deals with the good the bad and everything in between. The bad can include lawsuits, or compliance failures, while the good can include community service, and excellent customer service. Corporate social responsibility in its simplest form is a company or corporations interactions in various settings with consumers and the community. Within today's market, important aspects of corporate social responsibility include environmental awareness, as well as consumer affairs and legal dealings. Research Focus Initial results …show more content…

Keurig Green Mountain has plans in place on improving sustainability. Keurig machines produce a considerable amount of plastic waste. A Keurig machine utilizes a single plastic cup per brewing session This means that someone drinking coffee daily is likely to produce at least one if not several cups per day. Each Keurig cup is single use, and no longer good for brewing after its use. Unlike traditional coffee machines, this means many Keurig cups or "K-Cups" are used, and disposed of daily. Sustainability will focus on recycling efforts, as well as product