Key Aspects Of Self Regulation For Self-Regulated Students

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Another element of self-regulated learning is metacognition. Metacognition is defined as the awareness of effective thinking and analysis of one’s habits or simply thinking about thinking. An example would be children aged 5-16 became better self-regulated learners by enhancing their metacognitive abilities. These children became aware of their own knowledge states, their own strategies for learning and tasks influencing learning. These aspects of metacognition can be summed up as children developing self-appraisal and self-management, this also applies to students. Students who encapsulate these aspects of metacognition can become self-regulated learners therefore improving their success in academic achievement. Self-regulation incorporates three interrelated processes, these include self-observation, self-evaluation and self-reaction. …show more content…

Hickey states self-regulated learning implies “personalised cognition and motivation”. Students who enhance their metacognitive abilities allow themselves to be improved self-regulated learners which ultimately plays a role in student’s educational achievement.
Finally, teachers play a large role in student’s learning and educational achievements. Self-regulation is known to improve an individual’s capabilities whilst learning but also it is also wise to note the importance of self-regulation for teachers. Teachers who undertake self-regulated approaches are more likely to transmit their self-regulatory methods to their students. For a teacher to become self-regulated they should undergo “collaborative innovation”, which is working to adapt, invent, evaluate, discuss and revise methods that fit