How Important Was Hitler's Rise To Power In Germany

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Hitler's rise to power cannot be attributed to a single factor, but a combination of events, some of which were happening outside of Germany, the strength of the Nazi party and the weakness of the other parties attributed greatly to his rise. Hitler used these factors to his advantage and in 1933 he legitimately gained power to become the chancellor of Germany.
The treaty of Versailles was one of the most important factors that led to Hitler's rise to power in Germany. From Germany's point of view the treaty was incredibly harsh and devastating that left them feeling humiliated. The treaty required them to relinquish their military power, substantial portions of their land, their say in international affairs and their respect. The principal factor that gave rise to feelings of humiliation and anger was "the war guilt clause" that attributed all blame to Germany for starting the war, the anger of …show more content…

This created an substantial amount of debt for Germany which in turn created hyperinflation which affected most of the German populace directly. Many people lost their jobs, prices of daily needs, such as bread, went up to ridiculous prices and many people lost their savings in a matter of days so Germany could start to pay off the debt they owed to the Allies. Many people started to lose faith in the Weimar government and the growing Nazi party used the failing economy as a walking-stick to help them rise to power. They presented solutions to the German people, creating a false sense of hope for the people and a volatile trust for their forthcoming policies and proposals as to how the Nazi Party would end the economic crisis and return the people to their prosperous and steady lifestyle. It was the reparations that cause the German people to no longer trust their government, but it was the Nazis who would win back the trust of the people through false