
Key Findings For Awake Bar

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Key Findings
• The packaging needs to be remodeled in order to suit the bars target market which are people in their high teens and college students. o One participant stated that packaging looks like that the products is meant for kids and most participants will pass by this product and not even acknowledge it.
• The taste was a big turn off factor for this product. o Three out of the four participants that tasted the product mention the bad after taste and that is difficult to consume because is too hard and chewy.
• One bar is equivalent to half a cup of coffee, which did not conform most participants o Two of the participants stated that they usually consume more than one coffee a day and they will get this from eating two bars. o Another participant stated …show more content…

Marketing Implication
• The Awake Bar needs a new presentation and the packaging should be remodel. The word caffeine needs to be bigger and more emphasize, the font of the box should look more mature for an older audience, and find a better color contrast.
• The recipe of the bars should be adjusted in order for the bars to be softer and easy to consume. In addition, we should offer more of a variety of flavors to please the likes of a wider range of consumers.
• It should be taken into consideration in offering the bar in different sizes, each containing different amounts of caffeine. This way the company can please all types of consumers depending on how much caffeine they consume.
• When advertising the Awake Bar, we should empathizes on the fact that this product is a practical product that any consumer can just grab and go.
• Since this product is directed to college students and teenagers the price per bar should remain low. Most of the target market are in debt from school loans and most likely don’t have a full time

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