Khind Holdings Berhad Swot Analysis

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The current ratio is a liquidity and efficiency ratio that measures a firm's ability to pay off its short-term liabilities with its current assets. In the year 2012, KHB had a current ratio of 1.688 but it comes to decrease in 2013 to a 1.642. The ratio in the year 2014 was 1.670 indicating a slight increase. The competitor of KHB, the PMMB had a current ratio of 4.785, 4.012 and 3.622 from the year 2012 to 2014 respectively. A current ratio should be more than 2.0 as a higher current ratio indicates a more promising current debt payments. As you can see, KHB had ratio around 1.60 only during those 3 years. This shows that it is highly risky or highly leveraged. On the other hand, the PMMB had an average ratio of 4.1 within those 3 years. Therefore, …show more content…

With more than 50 years of experiences, he provides invaluable advice to the group on production, marketing, new product research and development in electrical industry. In recent years, KHB has been expanding its business to foreign countries. SWOT analysis helps to understand the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats against it. SWOT can be divided into two parts. Strength and weakness affects the internal of the company while the opportunities and threats affects the external of the company and its environment. The strength of KHB are good after sales support. Moreover, the brand name of “KHIND” was already locally recognized. KHB and Mistral-relationship provide a strong financial backbone to the company’s growth. This is because one of the company listed in Malaysia stock exchange whom wholly-owned subsidiary of KHB called Khind-Mistral Industries Sdn Bhd (KMI). KMI manufactures and exports electronic appliances in Malaysia. Outsourcing production was also being applied by KHB. With outsourcing, Khind and Mistral has beyond small electrical appliances. They use this strength to develop other unrelated business such as real estate and construction. KHB has their own regional office in Dubai, KHB produce a range of new products for the Middle East market and also have been experiencing double-digit growth since

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