King David Research Paper

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King Saul disqualified himself from ruling over Israel; therefore, God removed him. God said He would choose Israel’s next king according to his heart. God used Samuel to anoint David the seed of Jesse to be King over Israel as found in 1 Sam. 1-13, (ESV). God said I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do as found in Acts 13:22. The truth that David did whatever God wanted him to do, which God Himself declared, is verification that David is a man after God’s own heart. God does not see as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart as found in 1 Sam. 16:7. Although David’s life was flawed and he failed numerous tests from God, his heart was aligned with the will, desires, and plans of God. David expressed paramount faith in God in all of the circumstances he endured and he was completely confident in the power of God. God enabled David to fight Goliath and he won by using his slingshot and a stone as found in 1 Sam. 17:49-50. To point out, the battle between David and Goliath was really between God and Goliath; however, David was the instrument God used to accomplish the victory. David’s faith …show more content…

On one hand, Saul was disobedient while David was obedient to God. Saul battled against the Amalekites, and God commanded Saul to kill every living thing. God judged the Amalekites for their harshness towards Israel during their Exodus from Egypt hundreds of years earlier. Instead of Saul completely obeying the command from God, he spared the king of Amalekites and choice livestock as found in 1 Sam. 15:3. On the other hand, the Amalekites raided David’s hometown of Ziklag, and David went to the Amalekites and annihilated every living person as found in 1 Sam.