King's Statement On Plagiarism Form

1387 Words6 Pages

Plagiarism Form
King’s Experience

Participant’s Name: Shivani Bhat Course: King’s Experience Research Award
Date Submitted: October 28, 2015 Word Count:
Remember that you must:

• Sign the statement below on plagiarism (electronic signature is acceptable)

The following definition of plagiarism appears in the College’s statement on plagiarism and related forms of cheating:

Plagiarism is the taking of another person’s thoughts, words, results, judgements, ideas, images, etc. and presenting them as your own.

Plagiarism is a form of cheating and a serious academic offence. All allegations of plagiarism will be investigated and may result in action being taken under the College’s Misconduct regulations. A substantiated charge of plagiarism …show more content…

Particularly when undergoing healthcare research, a competent reflective practitioner repeatedly reflects on experience and is capable of spective reflection, continually learning from experience to the benefit of future actions. At times, perspective or retrospective reflection can be conducted in consideration of the context and nature of activities. The purpose of this particular critical reflection demonstrates my personal and professional development through the King’s Research Fellowship. Of the different reflective frameworks, I structure my reflective process on Gibbs’ reflective cycle as it allows me to explore new and different ideas and approaches to doing activities, and hence is an aid to …show more content…

I applied for the King’s Fellowship as I believed it would provide me with an opportunity to learn the reflective process and provide a snapshot of the research process before I start my career in research and clinical practice after my studies at King’s. While conducting my Masters in Public Health, I developed an interest in cardiovascular disease prevention. I found that much of the research being conducted at King’s was not in line with my interest and so I looked to external organizations. I was extremely determined to find a project that aligns with my interest, and where I could further concentrate my field. I sent my resume and cover letter such as the Medical Research Council with the hope of garnering research experience in this field. I applied for a few research projects at the Medical Research Council, Human Nutrition Research centre (MRC HNR) and was invited for a phone interview that lasted two hours. After a rigorous interview process, I was extremely delighted that I earned the opportunity to conduct a systematic literature review and narrative synthesis with the MRC HNR. They provided me with the topic of study which was to study whether an association exists between dietary patterns and carotid intima media thickness, which is an early cardiovascular disease