Kite Runner Symbolism

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The Kite Runner is a great movie, and the name itself incorporates a significant meaning in the plot. Even after the plot was altered in so many ways, everything was arranged to lead to Amir running a kite for Sohrab. However, Hassan represents the actual kite runner, who always runs kites for Amir. This is very symbolic, and Hassan being the kite runner establishes an important turning point in the movie. The movie illustrates how Hassan must run the kites when they are cut, retrieving it no matter the cost, and that paraphrases how Amir is close and Hassan knows where he is, yet finds it so impossible to reach him because the price to satisfy him is very great. There are many characters integrated into this story. The characters can be classified as family, friend, and enemy. Baba, Hassan, Sohrab, Rahim, and Soraya are interpreted as the main family and friends, because they help Amir in countless ways, such as saving him from trouble, converting his life from troubling to somewhat happy, or simply people there for Amir when he needs them. They can be contrasted to the enemies, who compared to the others, are nothing but evil. The main antagonist is Assef, because he causes Amir, Hassan, and Sohrab inhumane amounts of trouble. Even with so many characters, the story was told by one person, Amir. He is the one who evaluates the …show more content…

A narcissistic tone is then formed when Amir betrays Hassan to help himself. When one disaster occurs after another, it outlines a wretched tone until it became somewhat positive when Amir met Soraya. When Baba passed away, the characters had a mourning tone, and later on in Amir's life, the tone was often nostalgic or negative. Although the tone of the film changes multiple times throughout the film, the overall tone the director maintains is a grim