
Know The Law Essay Examples

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Know the Law Training Examples The following examples of the laws and regulations that pertain to Human Resources with a description of the law or regulation, a scenario, and the explanation of how the situation is in conflict with the principle of the law and regulations. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Description: Is discrimination of an employee or potential employee of race, sex, color, religion, or national origin (EEOC, n.d.(a)). Scenario: An application was received and the person was called in for an interview and then was noticed that the potential applicant was of Chinese decent and their sex was a male. The interviewer did not want to hire the applicant cause of the race and the sex of the applicant for the call center. Explanation of conflict: The violation that the employer did …show more content…

Harassment can include sexual harassment, unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and verbal or physical harassment of sexual nature. This does not have to be with just the two people either, it could be offensive to another person that has heard the confirmation or harassment. Scenario: The supervisor is talking to one of the employees and they are joking around and making wise cracks to each other, another employee hears the conversation and it offends them that they are talking about sexual information around them. Explanation of conflict: The conversation between the supervisor and employee may not have been construed as sexual harassment to them, but the other employee that heard the conversation was offended and reported it to the human resources department. The allegation must be investigated and explained to the employees that even if it was not a harassment to them that it could be to someone else. The two employees should not be talking about, or showing any physical harassment on the

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