Knowledge And Literacy Instruction For English Language Learners

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neither to say content(English, math, science, social studies, etc). They conclude that a strong knowledge and literacy instruction in their native language(L1) will help the ELL student to develop a second language (L2) more easily. “Thus, it appears that knowledge of Spanish letter names and sound identification skills is being transferred such that it has a positive impact on later English letter name and sound identification skills.” The instruction must be delivered at the earliest age possible. This will lead the students who are learning another language to learn it more successfully. Thus, the ELLs will have less difficulty when learning more sophisticated vocabulary such as science and engineering.
Even Though, math could be considered a universal language for many, the ELL’s may present difficulties when learning the subject area. According to Math Instruction for English Language Learners, a Colorin Colorado article, by Kristina Robertson, many teachers …show more content…

The exposure of the science vocabulary will help the students with code switching necessary for the development of explanations and arguments to expose the materials learned. The use of prior knowledge, graphic organizers, science journals, and literature with science themes can support the students needs in developing this subject. Another great way to support the ELL’s science and learning is the use of sentences frames, hands on activities (foldables) and interactive journals. I have seen a positive impact in the students’ language development when using these strategies to deliver my lessons. The exposure to a different language opportunities gives them more chances to express themselves as well as more chances to learn and apply the newly acquired