Knowledge In I Lay Dying

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The question being asked by Socrates to Theaetetus is “are knowledge and wisdom the same?” The answer that Theaetetus gives Socrates is examples of types of knowledge, the knowledge of a shoemaker or the knowledge of a carpenter. What Theaetetus doesn’t give Socrates is simply the definition of knowledge, if there even is one. Socrates doesn’t want to know types of knowledge, he wants to know what knowledge is. I believe that knowledge is the knowing of facts, information and skills acquired by someone or learned in a school setting, an understanding of the subject. As for wisdom, it is a quality of having knowledge but using it in good judgment, in other words it is a quality to be wise. I do not think that knowledge and wisdom are the same …show more content…

How all of the characters are portrayed on camera shows the way that they see the other characters and the world. Much like how we had a discussion on relativism, all of the characters show their different perspectives and that shows how everything is relative to each character. The movie started off with showing the mother speaking about death. She had fallen ill and was about to die within the next couple of days. The whole family has worked together in order to prepare for the death of their mother. The two sons of Addie the mother, Jewel and Darl had gone into town to deliver wood. The only person that the mother wanted to see before she died was Jewel because he was conserved with another man other than Anse (Pa), Addie’s true love the priest. Unfortunately, he had missed the death of his mother and sees her death as a tragedy. The other members of the family have some of their own problems and see their mother’s death as an inconvenience, at least this is how I am perceiving the movie. As of right now I know that the daughter Dewey Dell is pregnant and is using the death of her mother to get into town to find help terminating her pregnancy. The son Darl has a secret of his own which is that he has burned down the barn of a man who housed his family for one night. Darl is the only family member that realizes the death of their mother is normal and it will happen to everyone. The father Anse is only using his mother’s death to go into town and get new teeth and a new wife. All in all, the question that I ask myself is how are all of these little stories relative to the main story. How does the mother’s death relate to the whole family or their own “secrets”? The end of the movie concludes with only the father getting what he wants, Dewey Dell is still pregnant and Darl is going to jail for burning the barn down. The two other brothers Cash and Vardamer now have a new mother and are headed back home. Jewel