Knowledge Is Right In Front Of You: Feed By M. T. Anderson

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Knowledge Is Right In Front Of You In the book Feed by M.T. Anderson, information literacy and the power of the internet compromises individuality in the sense that no one has to think for themselves to create their own opinion. People that had it implanted at birth probably could not survive without it, due to the lack of intelligence. With ads constantly streaming, music playing, or news updates processing, no one has the chance to think on their own. The feed is obnoxious and can overload a person. Corporations are constantly bombarding them with advertisements, music, and news. It is the way business make money, they try to get people to buy items they are streaming, and the more someone buys the more of an investment they are to that corporation. The corporations try to make the ads so enticing people feel like they have to have it. …show more content…

The feed is like the internet, constantly streaming advertisements, music or knowledge. They can also M-Chat on the feed, which is like texting. The advertisements change depending on where they are. While on the moon for spring break Titus and his friends when to the Rumble Spot and Titus received an advertisement for shorts that the band members were wearing. They are coolest shorts that all the teenage guys want to have. “There was a band hung by their arms and their legs from the ceiling, and there was girders and floating units going up and down, and these meg youch latex ripplechicks dancing on the bar, and there were all these frat guys that were wearing these tachyon shorts so you couldn’t barely look at them, which were $789.99 according to the feed, and they were on sale for like $699 at the Zone, and could be shipped to the hotel for an additional $78.95, and that was just one great thing that people were wearing”. (Anderson