Kroger Company Mission Statement

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There are many companies that follow don’t follow their mission statement but The Kroger company is one of many that does follow their mission statement. Their mission is to provide great services to the community and how have local fresh grown produces in each and every store. Kroger wants to become the world’s largest distributor of goods and services in the world. So far Kroger has achieved that goal such as they have a wide ban of family Companies and they have surpassed every company that in their same line of business. They have values witch they abide by through each and every company.

The Kroger Company, was formed in 1883. Their mission statement says

“Our mission is to be a leader in the distribution and merchandising of food, pharmacy, health and personal care items, seasonal merchandise, and related products and services. We place considerable importance on forging strong supplier partnerships. Our suppliers, large or small, local or global, are essential components in accomplishing our mission.” Kroger’s web site reflects their mission statement, Kroger is operating under nearly two dozen banners, all of which share the same belief in building strong local ties and brand loyalty with our customers. …show more content…

Kroger, he always pursuing quality as the key ingredient for profit, recognized that if he baked his own bread, he could reduce the price for his customers and still make money. So, in 1901, he became the first grocer in the country to establish his own bakeries. He was also the first to sell meats and groceries under one roof. Mr. Kroger also spied the promise of increasing his income by manufacturing the products he sold. It began in that first Kroger store on Pearl St. When farmers came to town with their produce, he bought far more cabbage than he could expect his customers to

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