Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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What would you think if there was a notice in the newspaper that said “Last Warning For You” . Would it make it even worse was if it had your name on it saying “you have got to leave this naborhood [sic] vary [sic] soon or you may prepair [sic] for death hell and the grave” ? Most people would not have liked this and would’ve been very scared. “The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866. Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, lynching, arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of civil rights to African Americans.” Basically the KKK is a group that will go to any extreme to make sure people agree with them …show more content…

This is shown in the Klansman manual, which states “No race, or society, or country, can rise higher than its womanhood.” By having this in there manual they are trying to show that women are capable of moving forward in life and women are basically what ties together society. They work hard and are always there to support their husband’s beliefs because the man in the house was the one in charge. The KKK will say that they saw an African American hit a women and then that gives the KKK an excuse to kill or hurt that African American. Another part in the Klansman’s manual states “American Interests: To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” This is also stating that they agreed with what was right, like protecting women and the Constitution and the KKK following the laws made them seem better. Since the Constitution is basically the laws to our country and our rights they KKK wanted to show that they were connected and on the same page as the rest of the American citizens. They also wanted to show that since they were defending the Constitution, what they were doing was okay. The KKK try to make a mask to show people that they are better than they really