Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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How to Get Away With Murder Ku Klux Klan Addition “My little girl begged them not to carry me away. They drew up a gun and actually frightened her to death.” It was Abram Colby, who said this, a former slave and member of Georgia’s Legislature. The quote shows the horrors of the night when the KKK came to take him from his home to beat him, almost to death. The KKK managed to get away with not only this horrid crime, but several other crimes in the post-Civil War Southern states with impunity. One of the reasons the KKK was able to get away with such disgusting crimes was because they claimed to be protecting America and its people. Not only that, but the KKK also had several Klan members who were in positions of power in the government which allowed them to commit crimes without just punishment. One of the major claims of the KKK was to ‘ensure that the rights of Americans weren’t being violated’ as well as ‘protect the decency of America.’ In the Klansman’s Manual, it is stated that one of the …show more content…

Children, the disabled, and other helpless ones are to know the protective, sheltering arms of the Klan.” This statement implies that the Klan is protecting people from something that would otherwise be bad or harmful to them. In an attempt to justify the crimes they pin the crimes off on protecting people who cannot protect themselves. It also states that they want, “”To maintain forever white supremacy,” Or as the Declaration proclaims it, “To maintain forever the God-given supremacy of the white race.”” This once again ensures the common public that the KKK is doing them a favor, that if the KKK was not committing these crimes then there would be chaos. That they are maintaining Gods will by making sure that the white race is still held over the African Americans. They also justified punishing blacks by claiming that it was