Why Is The Labeling Theory Considered Deviant?

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There are several stigmas and labels that are placed on individuals within the criminal justice system, especially afflicting with those who are members of gangs or crime related activity. Labeling is known to be a product of the 1960 time period, which examines and explains the behaviors that are considered deviant only when society starts to labels them as deviant. “ Labeling theorists ask (1): What is defined as deviance? and (2) Who is defined as deviant? In answering these questions, the theory addresses larger issues such as: Who makes the laws in the first place? Is breaking the law the most important criterion for being a criminal? Are all people who break the law criminals? Questions about the origins of law set labeling apart from …show more content…

Deviance is considered a vagrant form of human activity, moving outside the more orderly currents of social life” (Erikson, 2013). Labeling theory is a major factor in criminal behavior. This theory gives insight on what can make an individual attracted to criminal behavior, opposed to wise decisions and acceptable behaviors. Kurbin shares with his readers that “ In contrast, labeling theory adopts a “ relativist” definition, assuming that nothing about a given behavior automatically makes it deviant. In other words, deviance is not a property of behavior, but rather that result of how others regard that behavior” (Chris E. Kubrin, …show more content…

Georgia Herbert Mead describes labeling theory as an deviant acts, which individuals are attached to based on their interaction and connection to their community. Symbolic interactionism implies that labeling a person will affect their identity. Once a label is attached to a person, it is mostly attached for a lifetime. Secondary deviance starts to occur when someone becomes aware of an individual’s primary deviance and has labeled the individual, such as criminal. There are three ways that labeling deviant behavior can lead to secondary deviant behavior: (1) by changing the way one may perceive themself or others, (2) by limiting a persons opportunities, and by encouraging deviant activities in a persons culture or