Lack Of Freedom Of Speech In The United States

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“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”- Thomas Jefferson. Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights we have as Americans. From the gallant Independence of our nation, until today, freedom of speech has been rightfully lauded and supported. However, there were times when this freedom was attacked, but true American patriots of the past and today rose up and took back this cherished God-given right. The rights enjoyed in the United States are denied to much of the world, leading many individual Americans to take these freedoms for granted, assuming, even expecting to have these freedoms. As lovers of peace and sovereignty in the American nation, freedom of speech warrants praise and protection
During the United States time under British rule, as colonies, a rift developed between the colonists and the British monarchy over governance and …show more content…

During the American Revolution, British troops burned down vehicles for freedom of speech, especially newspapers. Therefore, the Committees of Correspondence were born. Samuel Adams started the organization to keep colonists informed of British actions and, later during the conflict, to bolster and incite support for the revolution. Colonists who initially began fighting for equal rights as their counterparts in Britain, were then fighting for full independence from their mother country. The revolutionaires, lead by General George Washington and the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, fought a war against the most powerful military power of the time. With the Royal Navy, British General William Howe could make Boston harbor roar with the sound of cannon, giving a powerful display of British might. Nonetheless, the under-supplied colonists defeated the British troops and won independence for the young United States of