Lady Macbeth's Soliloquy In Act 1 Scene 5

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In Lady Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 5, she uses the motif of milk to create a tone of determination. This is seen when she cries, “Come to my woman’s breasts/ And take my milk for gall,” (1.5.37-38). By describing milk turning to gall, which is a poisonous acid, she is turning a motif that usually means something life-sustaining and inverting it to something fatal. This shows the tone of determination in how she deliberately rejects the normal interpretations of milk to turn it into something more powerful and deadly. This line also eches the witches lines of ‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair,’ which shows the duality of human emotions and actions (1.1.12). Here Lady Macbeth chooses to focus on the fouler part of life in how she uses