Lake Gibson Phobia Research Paper

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Three Phobias from Lake Gibsons High school staff.
We all have fears and phobias of a variety of things some more common than others, but what phobias do our dear teachers here at Lake Gibson have?
But first, what is a phobia exactly? An irrational fear, a type of anxiety disorder, a phobia happens to 4-5 percent of the population of the united states. They occur in all ages, the most common age group is between 15 and 20 years of age. These phobias are caused by a traumatic experiences and are more prevalent in women than men.
The 5 most common phobias in America are Arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders, there are over 35,000 species and being the most feared is the brown recluse with black widow following up. Social phobia, the fear of social situations. More …show more content…

Social phobia, the fear of social situations. More than simple shyness. This is an extreme fear of being scrutinized by others, or humiliated by one’s own actions. Aerophobia, the fear of flying and can often be confused with Acrophobia, it’s often paired with claustrophobia. Agoraphobia , the fear of inescapable situations. The result is anxiety and panic attacks,. Extreme agoraphobes are confined to their own home, which is the only place they consider to be safe. Lastly is Claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces. Sufferers will stay well away from elevators, trains and tiny cupboards under the stairs. May cause panic attacks if escape is not possible.
Now lets move on to some phobias that our beloved staff members Shalisa Muehlberger, Sarah Sengsouvanah and Rick Leach have to offer. Please note that each teacher has stated that if any students are to bring something that has to do with their phobia and will trigger them those students will be given F's and face harsh disciplinary

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