Lake Wheeler Lab Report Results

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The purpose of this lab was to determine the overall health of the aquatic community at Lake Wheeler. Various water and sediments samples were taken to be tested and observed in a number ways to reach a conclusion about this lake’s condition and fitness. The dissolved oxygen content, pH level, water temperature, and water clarity were also tested with the use of several different tools, ranging from a Secchi disk to pH strips and more complex contraptions like the Schindler-Patalas trap. The overall health of the lake that was tested as well as coliform samples that were taken from the surface.
The purpose of the aquatic communities lab was executed to evaluate and determine the overall health of the habitat Lake Wheeler …show more content…

The first test was to measure levels of dissolved oxygen and temperatures at different depths. The procedure for testing the dissolved oxygen and temperature was carried out using a submersible probe. The procedure consisted of lowering the submersible probe by 50 cm increments deeper and deeper into the lake water off of the dock and taking measurements at each increment. The measurements were then recorded, averaged, and reported to the rest of the class.
Another test was taken, but this time it was a sampling of the plankton in the lake water. The procedure for this test included using Schindler-Patalas traps that were lowered into the water to collect water at various depths. This particular contraption was made out of a Plexiglass box with hinged doors on either end. The doors allowed for the water to flow through the box so it could sink properly, then contain the water when it was pulled back up to the surface. Once the box was resurfaced from its various depths of 50 cm increments, the doors would close and the sample would be filtered through a sample bucket with a plankton filter. The remaining sample in the filter was then placed in a labeled container for said depth and saved for viewing and testing later. The samples of plankton were emptied into fish bowls containing other samples, but only from the

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