Lamborghini Research Paper

765 Words4 Pages

Lamborghini and the Heritage of the Bulls

Lamborghini has made a name for itself as one of the leading sports vehicle brands in the world. In fact, the brand is so closely related to the ideals of luxury, power, and wealth, that owning a Lamborghini is truly a status symbol.

The Spirit of the Bull
Much of the Lamborghini identity is found in its emblem, the raging bull. In the early 1960's, when Ferruccio Lamborghini spent time at the Don Eduardo Miura ranch in Seville, he became enamored with the majesty and power of the bulls in the pasture. This immediate attraction prompted Lamborghini to use the raging bull as the emblem for his new brand of automobile. Ferruccio, a Taurus himself, believed that the ideals the bull represented were the same dogmas that were important to a luxury automobile maker.

The bull's fierce nature and air of danger floating just under the surface made a mark on Lamborghini during this trip. He also appreciated the grace the animal held, even when running at top speeds. Each of these concepts is easily associated with the Lamborghini automobile. Hard muscle in the engine works under a body surface that is sleek and powerful to behold. Drivers feel an …show more content…

These designs vary like a rainbow, eclipsing every place in a driver's and designer's wildest dreams. Streamlined body shapes are reminiscent of everything from comic book hero transportation, to jet engines. Unique placement of air vents crates superior performance as well as design characteristics that are rugged and sometimes even obtuse. Often using more glass than other sport car brands, Lamborghini has never been afraid to showcase the interior of their automobiles. All possible details are conceived to the fullest in every single Lamborghini model. From the downward sloped nose design to the leather seats and space-age dials on the